ICT Ignite - Data Analytics Project Template (edit as required)

Data visualization Data analysis Data modelling Databases Data science
diagnostic analysis exploratory data analysis data collection data analysis sql (programming language) project scoping statistical methods pivot tables and charts statistical modeling dashboard
Project scope

What is the main goal for this project?

We are looking for learners to help analyse our datasets to draw helpful insights. From this analysis, we hope to not only improve our processes and understanding but also gain insights that will enhance our strategy. These insights will be directly related to business outcomes and help us shape how we need to evolve our business in the future. [edit as required to better reflect any employer needs].

[EMPLOYERS: please expand on the above and share any details as to what your project scope entails, and why a learner would benefit from applying to your project - the more information the better!]

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:

  • Collect data from multiple sources, clean the data, removing duplicates, missing values and resolving inconsistencies
  • Perform in-depth data analysis using spreadsheets to uncover patterns, trends, and insights within the data
  • Utilise formulas, functions, and pivot tables to calculate metrics such as revenue, customer segmentation, and / or  product performance
  • Perform descriptive and diagnostic analysis using SQL to gain insights 
  • Apply statistical modelling techniques, such as regression and classification, to identify factors influencing sales and customer behaviour
  • Perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) to uncover correlations and relationships between variables using statistical methods and visualisations
  • Create interactive dashboards to visually represent the data
  • [add in any other tasks as required]

[EMPLOYERS: please add / edit any of the above points to outline the project scope]

How will you support learners in completing the project?

Access to all available data and systems, mentorship time with our engineering team, support with key metrics and performance indicators, and overall supervision [add in any further support available]

[EMPLOYERS: please add / detail any resources and support available to learners to complete this project]