Sprint to Innovate: 3 Day Challenge

February 2, 2024Experience start
February 4, 2024Experience end
Experience scope
Information technology Leadership Organizational structure Operations Sales strategySkills
competitive analysis business consulting research design thinkingDO YOU HAVE A TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS CHALLENGE YOU ARE TRYING TO SOLVE?
Sprint to Innovate powered by Canada Life brings together students of various disciplines (technology, business, entrepreneurship, etc) from Manitoba post-secondary institutions to learn about innovation, and collaborate in a fun and exciting challenge to build a minimum viable prototype for you in just two days (the weekend of February 1 to 4, 2024).
Sprint to Innovate is about learning innovation, being innovative, building deeper relationships, problem-solving and developing solutions to real business challenges. We know that employers are looking for employees to be innovative, and this event will allow students the opportunity to nurture their inner innovation and help your organization in the process.
Industry and Students can learn more www.rrc.ca/sprint
Teams of 4 to 6 students will choose from available business challenges provided by industry.
Students will then work together with support from mentors to create a solution, including developing a prototype to be presented to judges on the final day.
A prototype is a simple experimental model of the proposed product used to learn from. Prototypes range from low-fidelity (paper-based) prototypes that are used to explain concepts all the way to high-fidelity prototypes that have functional elements with more detail. Teams may consist of technology and business students.
Project timeline
February 2, 2024Experience start
February 4, 2024Experience end
Project Examples
Student teams will be provided with a list of business challenges that they will have a choice between to work on. This is where you come in! We are asking a few different companies to provide a general business challenge and students would create a solution. The commitment from your company would be as follows:
- Prepare a Challenge support document; and a 2-3 minute video pitching your business challenge outlining what the problem is, and why you need it.
- Assign at least one person to speak about the problem and be prepared to answer questions about it from a student team on Friday, February 2.
- Available to answer questions from the teams on Saturday, February 3
- Attend and judge the Semi-Final presentations on Sunday, February 4to see what solutions the team came up with. Choose one team to advance to the Final Presentations.
- Attend our Networking and Training event on Thursday, February 1, 2024.
Previous project examples have included:
- How might we use gaming and gamification to increase student engagement and improve learning outcomes? – Submitted by Applied Computer Education at RRC Polytech
- How can we increase the number, and the diversity, of individuals entering careers in tech through Technology Apprenticeships? – Submitted by Tech Manitoba and RRC Polytech
We are looking for sponsors to provide $1000 towards prize money to the winning teams.
Your $1,000 sponsorship would earn you:
·Recognition throughout the event
·Recognition on event materials
·Social media recognition
·The opportunity to be a mentor to a team throughout the weekend.
If you would like more information, please send us a request to connect on Riipen.
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
February 2, 2024Experience start
February 4, 2024Experience end