Sheridan College
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Patrick Francis
Professor and Program Coordinator
  • May 14, 2024
    Experience start
  • August 17, 2024
    Experience end
  • Post-graduate; Other
  • 125 learners; teams of 6
  • 12 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Educators assign learners to projects
Preferred companies
  • 7/7 project matches
  • Ontario, Canada
  • Academic experience
  • Any company type
  • Any industries
Marketing analytics Operations Project management Competitive analysis Market expansion
enthusiasm business analysis process management business planning international business management
Project timeline
  • May 14, 2024
    Experience start
  • August 17, 2024
    Experience end
Learner goals and capabilities

Sheridan International Business Management Capstone projects run for a duration of 14 weeks. Guided by a faculty member, student consultant groups work with an Industry Client to help them develop an International Business Plan. These projects apply to small, medium and large enterprises.

How does this benefit you?

• Work with the next generation before you hire

• Fresh new ideas and perspectives

• Enthusiastic team of students working on your project, advised by experienced faculty

• Explore new markets that are outside of your organization’s current business plan

• Connect with Sheridan College academic community

• Students will provide approximately 70 hours of work, without financial payment dedicated to helping your business

Expected outcomes and deliverables

Presentation and final report to be delivered the 3rd week of August.

Project Examples

Capstone group projects run for a duration of one semester, five to six students are engaged with a real client (Business enterprise). There is no fee, or any payment made by the client; secondary research & analysis are done by the students and no exchange of money takes place.

These projects, in the second semester of the program offer an experiential learning experience; students work as a consulting team to assist a company (Client) with a business process development/modification opportunity.

At the end of the term, by the third week of April the student group will hand in a report & make a presentation. The report will typically cover the As-Is state (Current process), gap analysis, To-Be state, some alternatives & an implementation/action plan.