Workplace Wellness and Health Promotion Placements


Health & Wellness Program Implementation

Our company has hundreds of employees with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We would like to implement a formalized health and wellness program to elevate their overall well-being. However, we do not have an adequate understanding of what types of initiatives will be valuable to our employees.We would like to collaborate with students to gain an understanding of what components should be included and the implementation strategies available.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Analyzing data from employee interviews and surveys.Researching current trends in corporate health and wellness.Developing a realistic health and wellness program.Providing metrics to justify the implementation of the program.Recommending steps to implement the program within our company.Revising and improving the proposed program based on feedback.

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Category Workplace health/wellness + 1

Employee Survey Creation

Our company has hundreds of employees with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We want to understand how we can increase employee satisfaction and team efficiency.To understand employee perspectives, we would like to collaborate with students to create an anonymous survey for our workforce.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Researching platform options to conduct the survey.Identifying the most suitable survey platform for our company.Conducting research on key topics that should be included in the survey.Recommending multiple-choice and short-answer questions to gauge employee opinions.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Testing and improving the questionnaire based on feedback.Administering the survey and analyzing results.

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Category Organizational structure + 2

Awareness Campaign Plan

Our organization is passionate about promoting social causes. We ​​want to increase awareness about a particular topic.We would like to work with students to design a campaign that raises awareness and encourages changes in attitudes / behaviors. In collaboration with key contacts at our organization, students will design and carry out a campaign strategy around this topic.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with the social cause, our mission and goals.Identifying groups that the campaign will target.Identifying ideal outcomes and key performance indicators (KPIs).Identifying potential sponsors and partners who can support our campaign.Creating a promotion and marketing plan.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Assisting in the development of leaflets, posters, videos, and / or brochures.

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Category Event planning + 1

Survey Creation

Our company advertises thousands of products online. The main problem we are trying to solve is to garner more user feedback through users’ experiences. We would like to understand our strengths and areas of improvement from a customer perspective.We would like to collaborate with students to develop a survey that can generate accurate data for future decision-making.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Conducting background research on our products and customers.Researching platform options to conduct the survey.Identifying the most suitable survey platform for our company.Recommending multiple-choice and short-answer questions to gauge customer opinions.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Testing and improving the questionnaire based on feedback.

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Category Communications + 1