Go-to-Market Strategy

NWOCommute Canada
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Guruditya Sinha He / Him
Country Head
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Market research Market expansion Product or service launch Sales strategy
target market go-to-market strategy
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We want to better understand our target market and audience as well as the overall market so we can uniquely position ourselves within our industry.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

We hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of how we can better serve our customers. We would like recommendations on how to improve our positioning, brand, and products and services.

  • Product roll-out strategy
  • Industry size and market potential
  • Competitive landscape
  • Key risks
About the company
  • https://www.nwocommute.com
  • 11 - 50 employees
  • Technology, Academic association, Automotive, Environment, Transport, trucking & railroad

NWOCommute Canada provides all-electric, autonomous commuting solutions for the future of urban cities. Come join us as we usher in the future of urban mobility!