UX design for Weconomie.ca

The Women’s Economic Council
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Serah Gazali
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Information technology Visual arts
business services business consulting business strategy marketing strategy
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We are looking for students who can help us test the UX of https://weconomie.ca/

This website is designed using Django web foramework

Project tasks include:

  • Discovery meeting to understand our needs
  • Interview different types of users to gather design specs.
  • Conduct user testing to understand and optimize existing design challenges.
  • Create a prototype


  • UX analysis
  • Three Concepts Review and prototype report

About the company

The Women’s Economic Council is a gathering of women-centred community economic development organizations and practitioners. We are a national charitable organization helping Canadian women, especially marginalized women and those at risk of poverty, achieve their economic goals.

We work with community organizations, helping to connect, nurture, and support.