Level Up - Word Nerds Podcast Project (Phase II)

Associate Professor
Preferred learners
  • Alberta, Canada
  • Academic experience
Videography Communications Website development Media Education
content creation podcasting syntax writing editing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Word Nerds Podcast Project (Phase I)

The Word Nerds Podcast project includes the development of a series of podcasts that focus on words and their meanings historically and in the present. Topics include history of words, meanings, syntax, definitions, and language. The primary audience is university students in Canada with a secondary audience of university students internationally in relation to topics in the areas of social, political, economic, and environmental. The project hosts a series of podcasts which are posted on a website that houses the podcast series, videos, and other information that supports the purpose of the project: to inform Canadian students and others about Words.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Projects students will work on are as follows:

  • Podcast Series Development: The podcast series is develop through in-depth discussions, narratives, explanations, descriptions, and meanings, (Phases I-III)
  • Content Creation: Researching and writing of content for the podcast series and for the website.(Phases I-II)
  • Editing: Editing the podcasts and the videos that were created for the podcast series. (Phases II-III)
About the company

Compelling communicators are passionate about sharing information and connecting with others. In the Department of Communication, we teach the critical and creative thinking, writing, editing and research skills students need to do just that.

Our students learn by doing, with numerous opportunities to integrate what they've learned in the classroom with real-life projects that engage the community.