Learning Engine

Project: Human City
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
James Rhule
Managing Partner
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Mobile app development Machine learning Artificial intelligence
educational materials learning analytics dictation
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

A natural language processor aimed at turning academic content into test formats including:

  • Matching words to definition
  • Word search
  • Multiple choice 
  •  Fill in the blank (responsive)

  • Reading passages (dictation option later)
  • Refine and summarize (test model)

Please Note this project is currently 85% completed, a student group could adapt it to facilitate training protocols for location based prompts (site orientations/ location training) with the ar camera tool, expand game functions and user learning analytics

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

This software is aimed at helping educators create high quality educational material from academically sourced papers. 

The program should be able to interpret intent, context and summary of information given to it and be able to create testing based on the three variables previously mentioned.

Program should have some sort of feedback metric so as to be able to adjust its  understanding of client's intent, context and how to summarize key information

Supported causes
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
About the company

The People Planning Project is an attempt to reach an unprecedented level of bioethics in which every human is guaranteed his or her basic needs are met. The People Planning Project strives for the global establishment of IoT infrastructure, free access to the Internet, a global standardized free education system, social learning, environmental stewardship and equal opportunity for all.