Data Analysis Research Assistant

MacEwan University: School of Business
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Careers & Experience Team
Preferred learners
  • Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • Academic experience or paid work
Data analysis Communications
qualitative data analysis qualitative research qualitative analysis statistical methods computer programming research statistics data analysis writing
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The project necessitates proficiency in computer programming and skills for qualitative data analysis, interpretation, and visualizing findings. A background in coding is essential, as is the ability to categorize qualitative data for applying statistical methods, particularly with non-numeric attributes. Proficiency in engaging with qualitative data to extract meaningful insights, identify trends, and discover correlations is a critical requirement. The project's culmination will be a paper underpinned by supporting visualizations and statistical evidence.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Data Categorization: Tasks will include organizing and categorizing qualitative data into meaningful groups.

Statistical Analysis: Applying statistical methods to the categorized data. This would involve interpreting the qualitative data quantitatively, such as calculating frequencies, identifying patterns, or applying other statistical techniques suited for non-numeric data.

Trend Identification Projects: Student will work on identifying significant trends, correlations, or patterns within the qualitative data. This could involve using both statistical methods and qualitative analysis techniques to uncover underlying themes or insights.

Insight Extraction Activities: Student is required to extract meaningful insights from the qualitative data and transforming qualitative data into actionable knowledge.

Visualization Projects: Student will create various visual representations of his or her findings, using graphs, charts, or other visualization tools.

Paper Writing Workshop: Student will be required to write a paper focusing on structuring findings, discussing the implications of their analysis, and supporting their conclusions with visual and statistical evidence gathered through project work.

Communication in Research: Providing feedback on the progress and outcomes of the project.

About the company

The School of Business at MacEwan University consists of four departments:

- Department of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources Management and Management
- Department of Accounting and Finance
- Department of Decision Sciences
- Department of International Business, Marketing, Strategy and Law