Literature Review - Database Research - Artificial Intelligence and Media
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Student research assistant is needed to help me do lit review (database search) about artificial intelligence and media ethics (news verification) KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Library database search Online search Writing a summary of what's found complete with references or bibliography (and abstracts) IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Any student who knows how to use the university library databases can do this. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: Google docs shared with me and filled with abstracts and reference citations WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS YOUR PROJECT COULD ACCOMMODATE?/QUEL EST LE NOMBRE MAXIMUM D'ÉTUDIANTS QUE VOTRE PROJET PEUT ACCUEILLIR? * Please note we cannot guarantee this number of students for your project, but we will do our best to accommodate this request/Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons garantir ce nombre d'étudiants pour votre projet; nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre à votre requête. 2