Astrum Digital
Astrum Digital
London, Ontario, Canada

Here at astrumDigital our goal is to get businesses from where they currently are to where they want to be. We do this by providing marketing services such as advertising and web development to businesses.

Number of employees
2 - 10 employees
Mobile app development Information technology Machine learning Artificial intelligence Databases
Business services Consumer goods & services

Recent projects

Business Development

Our company is hoping to improve our sales process to improve our ROI and overall operations. In this project, students will evaluate our current sales process, determine bottlenecks, and create recommendations as well as new training materials. Based on research and best practices you will develop new scripts for our sales staff to use to improve the quality and quantity of leads generated and increase the conversion rate.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Evaluating our current sales process by speaking with sales representatives and examining our handbook and protocols.Researching industry sales processes and lead generation strategies.Create recommendations that will improve our leads and conversion rate.Writing new sales scripts for both phone calls and emails.Creating an updated sales process handbook.

Admin Jensen Medeiros
Matches 0
Category Market expansion + 3


In recent years, talent acquisition has become an increasingly difficult obstacle for many companies, including our business. Setting ourselves apart is crucial to attracting top talent, which we hope to accomplish in part by a vibrant, compelling recruitment video. Through this project, students will script, produce and edit a video that showcases our organization's strong culture and values, which will encourage candidates to apply.Tasks may involve:Brainstorming various ideas for the video structure and content, and creating a storyboard for what the video will look like.Creating a compelling script promoting our company culture and values.Putting together a proposal for (whoever is running the project)including the storyboard and script.Meeting with (whoever is running the project) to discuss the proposal, and making any changes necessary.Filming and editing the final video.

Admin Jensen Medeiros
Matches 1
Category Talent recruitment + 4

Graphic design

To expand our product offering with a new ergonomically-designed line, we need insights into how we can redesign existing popular equipment and what products have the most design potential. We are interested in gaining insights on popular products that could be redesigned to be more usable and comfortable and included in our new ergonomic line. We would also like a prototype of a single product to be included in our new line.

Admin Jensen Medeiros
Matches 1
Category Communications + 4

Business Development

The primary focus for the student will be: (Remove any that don't apply)Strategy - Develop an implementation plan for entering a new market; develop a go-to-market strategy; identify new funding and grant opportunities, write proposals.Operations - Recommend process improvements or redesign processes; develop improvements to supply chain processes; introduce quality assurance into our internal processes.Marketing - Complete a full customer, competitor, market, and environmental analysis; complete a marketing strategy review; design a new marketing strategy (product, place, price, and promotion); Sales - Design a new/improved prospecting process for our sales team; design a new/improved pricing or service structure.Talent - Design a new/improved recruitment process; develop a diversity and inclusion strategy; design a new/improved employee engagement program.

Admin Jensen Medeiros
Matches 0
Category Communications + 4