Designing your Sales Approach based on Neuroscience

University Canada West
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
amirali nourbakhsh
University Instructor
  • January 8, 2024
    Experience start
  • April 12, 2024
    Experience end
1/1 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Small to medium enterprise
Any industries

Experience scope

Communications Sales strategy
creating rapport with clients brain-based persuasion customer centric attitude
Learner goals and capabilities

Students, led by a senior consultant with over 20 years experience as a practitioner, will engage your senior sales director or manager to understand your serivces or products.

Within 10 weeks, we will design a sales structure for your sales team so as to:

  1. Make your sales team more purposeful and focused
  2. Increase your sales efficiency by providing your sales director a package including the Dos & Donts or brain-based sales
  3. Increase you sales within months, if your team dedicates itself to our design


Any level
25 learners
40 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 5
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Here are the deliverables:

  1. A clear-cut 3-step persuasion model that fits any well-established sales approach (7 or 9 steps of a call)
  2. Easy to understand documents that emphasize the strategic, financial, and personal features and benefits of your products/ services
  3. A sales package that you could later use to train your own sales force.
Project timeline
  • January 8, 2024
    Experience start
  • April 12, 2024
    Experience end

Project Examples


While the course instructor has been training sales force of multinational corporations for over 10 years, he has been working with teams at UCW in the past 3 years helping half a dozen clients in sales and strategy.

We designed sales structure of a companies operating in AI and safety. We helped them understand how to train their own sales people based on what is today a hard science. The developments in neuroscience over the past decade show us how the brain likes to take in information, how and why it rejects ideas, and how it would ideally accept a proposal.

By incorporating this knowledge in your sales structure, you will definitely increase your sales by improving the conversations between your sales force and clients.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q1 - Checkbox
  • Q2 - Checkbox