Designing your strategy: Roger Martin's Strategy Model

Open Closing on October 1, 2024 / 1 spot left
University Canada West
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
amirali nourbakhsh
University Instructor
  • October 2, 2024
    Experience start
  • December 24, 2024
    Experience end
  • Post-graduate
  • 20 learners; teams of 20
  • 50 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Educators assign learners to projects
Preferred companies
  • 1 projects wanted
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
  • Any company type
  • Any industries
Market expansion
strategic planning marketing strategic analysis innovation
Project timeline
  • October 2, 2024
    Experience start
  • December 24, 2024
    Experience end
Learner goals and capabilities

Learner Capabilities:

Our students are equipped with skills in strategic analysis and design. They are capable of designing comprehensive strategies for startups or revising existing strategies to drive growth and competitive advantage.

Company Benefits:

Companies partnering with us will receive thorough strategic plans tailored to their specific needs, including actionable insights, innovative solutions, and detailed implementation guidelines, all developed by a dedicated team of students under professional supervision.

Expected outcomes and deliverables


Expected Outcomes:

Companies partnering with us will receive comprehensive and actionable strategic plans, including:

  1. Winning Aspirations:
  • Vision, Mission, and Core Values: A clearly defined vision and mission statement, core values, marketing, and brand promises that align with the company’s strategic goals.
  1. Where to Play:
  • Geographic Markets: An outline of regions or countries to target.
  • Customer Segments: Identification of specific groups of customers to serve.
  • Product Categories: Recommendations on products or services to offer.
  • Distribution Channels: Analysis of channels to deliver products or services effectively.
  • Partnerships & Alliances: Strategies for establishing strategic partnerships to enhance market reach and capabilities.
  • Strategy Canvas (Blue Ocean): A visual representation to identify competitive factors and opportunities for differentiation.
  1. How to Win:
  • Features, Benefits, and USP: Detailed features, benefits, and unique selling propositions of products and services.
  • Buyer Utility Map (Blue Ocean): Analysis to identify how to increase buyer utility and create value.
  1. Capabilities:
  • VRIO or Value Chain Analysis: An assessment of the company’s resources and capabilities using the VRIO framework or value chain analysis to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  1. Management System:
  • Leadership Development Program: Explanation of the importance of a uniform leadership development program to ensure consistent execution of the strategy.

Formats for Deliverables:

  • Strategic Report: A comprehensive document detailing all aspects of the strategy, from vision and mission to specific market and product recommendations.
  • Executive Summary: A concise overview of key findings and strategic recommendations.
  • Presentation Deck: A visually engaging slide deck summarizing the strategy, ready for presentation to stakeholders.
  • Implementation Roadmap: A step-by-step guide outlining the actions, timelines, and resources needed to implement the strategy.
  • Performance Metrics: A set of key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the progress and success of the strategy.

These deliverables will provide companies with a robust, well-rounded strategic plan developed by a team of capable students under professional guidance, ensuring practical and innovative solutions tailored to their needs.

Project Examples

Types of Projects:

We are looking for projects where students can apply their skills in strategic planning and analysis to make a significant impact. Examples of projects include:

1. Defining Winning Aspirations:

  - Helping a startup articulate its long-term vision and success criteria.

  - Revising an existing company's mission and vision statements to align with market opportunities.

2. Choosing Where to Play:

  - Identifying target markets and customer segments for a new product launch.

  - Conducting market research to explore new geographic or demographic markets for expansion.

3. Determining How to Win:

  - Developing a competitive strategy to differentiate a company's offerings and gain a market edge.

  - Crafting value propositions and unique selling points to attract and retain customers.

4. Core Capabilities:

  - Assessing and developing the critical capabilities needed to execute the strategy effectively.

  - Conducting a capabilities audit and gap analysis to identify areas for improvement and investment.

5. Management Systems:

  - Designing performance measurement and management systems to track strategic progress.

  - Creating implementation plans and governance structures to ensure strategic initiatives are executed successfully.

Companies partnering with us will receive thorough strategic plans tailored to their specific needs, including actionable insights, innovative solutions, and detailed implementation guidelines, all developed by a dedicated team of students under professional supervision.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Will you have at least 10 hours to spend with the students in 5 meetings?