Market Research and Online Communication Strategy for SoftSkillable™ Member Experience Program

Stratesco Group Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Giulia Brutesco P.Eng.
Partner/Strategic Policy Pathfinder
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Advertising Digital marketing Sales strategy Marketing strategy Marketing analytics
content creation value propositions online communication social media market research email marketing selling techniques
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The main goal for the project is to determine how the SoftSkillable™ Member Experience program compares to competitors through market research and to develop an online communication strategy to position the program as a good investment in an organization's bottom line. This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:

- Conducting market research to analyze competitors' programs and their online communication strategies.

- Identifying the unique selling points and value proposition of the SoftSkillable™ Member Experience program.

- Developing an online communication strategy that highlights the program's strengths and positions it as a valuable investment.

- Creating content for online platforms that effectively communicates the benefits and advantages of the program broken down into logical steps (i.e. month1: content x, month 2: content y, etc.)

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, learners should complete the following tasks:

- Comprehensive market research report comparing the SoftSkillable™ Member Experience program with competitors.

- Online communication strategy outlining the key messaging and content for different online platforms.

- Developed content for online platforms such as website, social media, and email marketing that effectively positions the program as a sound investment.

Final deliverables:

- A detailed market research report with findings and analysis.

- Online communication strategy and calendar document with content samples for different platforms.

About the company

Applied expertise. Inspired solutions.
With over 40 years of combined experience in industry associations, Stratesco Group aims to help associations with the hard things. Our expertise in policy and science-based issue development, regulatory affairs, technical standards, and organizational excellence enables us to help our clients with a their most pressing needs.
Our SoftSkillable™ Member Experience program as part of our Organizational Excellence expertise is launching soon. SoftSkillable™ goes beyond conventional training and provides customized learning plans that keep our clients accountable as they adopt new skills. Such plans also include virtual and in-person progress check-ins that are tailored to each client’s needs and schedule.

We help our clients shift their mindsets so they are in the best headspace to approach challenges.