Giulia Brutesco P.Eng.
Giulia Brutesco P.Eng. She / Her
Partner/Strategic Policy Pathfinder
Videography Market research Product or service launch Website development Security (cybersecurity and IT security)


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Recent projects

Stratesco Group Inc.
Stratesco Group Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Market Research and Online Communication Strategy for SoftSkillable™ Member Experience Program

The main goal for the project is to determine how the SoftSkillable™ Member Experience program compares to competitors through market research and to develop an online communication strategy to position the program as a good investment in an organization's bottom line. This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:- Conducting market research to analyze competitors' programs and their online communication strategies.- Identifying the unique selling points and value proposition of the SoftSkillable™ Member Experience program.- Developing an online communication strategy that highlights the program's strengths and positions it as a valuable investment.- Creating content for online platforms that effectively communicates the benefits and advantages of the program broken down into logical steps (i.e. month1: content x, month 2: content y, etc.)

Matches 1
Category Advertising + 4
Stratesco Group Inc.
Stratesco Group Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Digital Sales Funnel Framework for SoftSkillable Member Experience Program

The main goal for the project is to create a Digital Sales Funnel Framework with clear steps of each funnel stage and ongoing Management. This would apply to the sales events to drive memberships to the SoftSkillable program. The project should also outline recommended sales activities for each funnel stage.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 4
Stratesco Group Inc.
Stratesco Group Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Privacy Policy

Our company will begin collecting and processing contact and potentially payment data from ta growing customer base. It is of utmost importance that we keep this data confidential and safely manage personal information in accordance with provincial and federal lawWe would like to collaborate with students to create an appropirate privacy policy. This policy builds trust with users and protects our company by transparently disclosing how we gather information.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our mission and vision statements.Completing a needs assessment.Familiarizing themselves with company activities that involve the use of personal information.helping develop information management practices within the company in accordance with sound practicesRecommending key elements for privacy policy and drafting the policy

Matches 1
Category Security (cybersecurity and IT security) + 2
Stratesco Group Inc.
Stratesco Group Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Security Vulnerability Identification and Mitigation strategy - Microsoft and Web platform

We are in the development stage of an online learning platform that will take on clients on an annual membership basis. We will be building a client list, a sales and marketing contact list, and will eventually take payment online. The project has not developed a security protocol and does not employ any special software to enhance or protect data. This project would require a review of the security risks and vulnerabilities and implement the necessary protections.First, we would like students to get familiar with our product offering. We will provide a demo to provide a general understanding how it works. Second, students should spend time conducting research on state of the art pen testing technologies. Third, students should have a written plan of how to best determine vulnerabilities with a strategy to test and present it

Matches 1
Category Security (cybersecurity and IT security) + 4