Virtual Internship Opportunity: Business Development

Illuminate Universe
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Department of HR
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Communications Leadership Product or service launch Sales strategy
presentations sales funnel marketing communications marketing key performance indicators (kpis) communication leadership branding business development innovation
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Our Mission:

“To be an internationally recognized model of educational excellence and innovation. We are fostering the next generation of business leaders who are critical thinkers, demonstrate inclusivity, and aspire to make a positive impact in their communities.”

The primary focus for the student will be:

  • Branding - cobrand the Illuminate Leadership Curriculum with high school student clubs across the country and coordinate Illuminate university "buddies" to teach the curriculum.
  • Marketing Communications - work with the Marketing and Communications Manager to push out content, develop KPIs for recruitment, and activate funnels to generate more qualified Illuminate Leadership Academy applicants.
  • Partnerships - develop meaningful mini co-op curriculums with contacts you already have in your network to grow the Illuminate corporate partnership family.
What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Our goal at the end of this experience is: (Indicate deliverables you expect the student(s) to complete, as exemplified below)

  • For the student(s) to help us improve our brand's presence and capture greater market share.
  • For the student(s) to help us develop and present presentations to engage our target audience
  • For the student(s) to help us effectively communicate our brand's story and mission to a broad audience.
  • For the student(s) to help us generate more traffic and revenue through search engines.
  • For the student(s) to help us improve our online presence, reach more customers, and effectively promote our brand through compelling content.
About the company

Illuminate Universe is an organization that is dedicated to the advancement of high school business and leadership education. We strive to be an internationally recognized model of educational excellence and innovation. We are fostering the next generation of business leaders who are critical thinkers, demonstrate inclusivity, and aspire to make a positive impact in their communities.The Illuminate Leadership Academy is also a registered private business high school in Canada. The courses range from leadership, consulting, technology, finance to entrepreneurship and are taught by world-class business leaders. Illuminate teaches the things that matter, by people who have actually done it. The curriculum features a blended-learning style and is directly designed by Fortune 500 executives and Ivy League Professors. The Academy offers students an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Credit upon completing the program.