Sales Representative Compensation Structure Evaluation

CTS & Associates
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tamiris Correa She / Her
office administrator
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Employee benefits Market research Competitive analysis Financial modeling Compensation analysis
employee motivation finance business metrics performance metric comparative analysis talent acquisition market analysis research sales benchmarking
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

CTS Incentives seeks to evaluate and optimize its compensation structure for hiring new sales representatives. The goal is to develop a competitive and motivating compensation package that aligns with industry standards and attracts top talent. The project will involve analyzing current compensation models, benchmarking against industry standards, and recommending an optimized structure. This will provide learners with an opportunity to apply their knowledge of human resources, finance, and market analysis to a real-world scenario. The project will require a thorough understanding of compensation strategies, sales performance metrics, and employee motivation theories. Key tasks include researching current compensation trends in the sales industry, analyzing CTS Incentives' existing compensation structure, conducting a comparative analysis with industry benchmarks, and recommending an optimized compensation package.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Key tasks include:

- Researching current compensation trends in the sales industry.

- Analyzing CTS Incentives' existing compensation structure.

- Conducting a comparative analysis with industry benchmarks.

- Recommending an optimized compensation package.

The final deliverables for this project will include:

- A detailed report summarizing the research and analysis conducted.

- A comparative analysis document highlighting industry benchmarks.

- A proposed compensation structure with justifications.

- A presentation summarizing the findings and recommendations.

These deliverables will provide CTS Incentives with actionable insights to enhance their sales representative compensation strategy.

About the company

CTS Incentives, a family-run company with over three decades of experience, is a company dedicated to optimizing tax credits and grants for businesses operating within the skilled trades sector. Their unwavering commitment lies in assisting businesses that often find themselves overwhelmed with day-to-day operations and thus lack the resources or time to navigate the complexity of financial incentives. CTS Incentives specializes in identifying, securing, and ensuring that these businesses can capitalize on all available funding opportunities. Through their expertise and dedication, they empower businesses to not only thrive within their respective industries but also access the financial support it is available to them, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of their clients.