Teagan Melnyk
Teagan Melnyk She / They
Lucille Mazo
Associate Professor
April 8, 2023
Team feedback
Teagan has provided excellent work on this project. Well done! Dr. Lucille Mazo, Associate Professor, MacEwan University
Communication Media relations American psychological style (apa) Research methodologies Writing Grammar Editing Research Copy editing
MacEwan Level UP
Level UP MacEwan Faculty and Staff Projects
MacEwan Level UP
MacEwan University: Department of Communication
Level Up - (Book) Research in Comms (Vol. 1 Phase VI - 2023)
MacEwan University: Department of Communication
Lucille Mazo
Associate Professor
February 27, 2023
Team feedback
Teagan has provided excellent work and designed beautiful, insightful, and creative covers for the book. Well done! Dr. Lucille Mazo, Associate Professor, MacEwan University
Communication American psychological style (apa) Research methodologies Writing Grammar Editing Research Copy editing
MacEwan Level UP
Level UP MacEwan Faculty and Staff Projects
MacEwan Level UP
MacEwan University: Department of Communication
Level Up - Book - Research in Comms (Vol. 1 Phase V 2023)
MacEwan University: Department of Communication
Lucille Mazo
Associate Professor
November 30, 2022
Team feedback
Teagan has been excellent to work with in this project. Well done. Dr. Lucille Mazo, PhD, Associate Professor, MacEwan University
Communication Media relations American psychological style (apa) Research methodologies Writing Grammar Editing Research Copy editing
MacEwan Level UP
Level UP MacEwan Faculty and Staff Projects
MacEwan Level UP
MacEwan University: Department of Communication
Level Up: (Book) Research in Communications (Vol. 2): (Phase VI - 2023)
MacEwan University: Department of Communication