Saverio Debernardis
SD Companies SRL
SD Companies SRL
Altamura, Apulia, Italy

Open Source Management Software Review and Testing

The main goal for the project is to analyze the management process of SD Companies SRL and propose the best open source software to fit their needs. This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Analyzing the management process of the company, including chat channels, quotations, invoices, and warehouse management.- Researching and proposing the best open source software to fit the company's needs.- Setting up the selected software solutions according to specific key points provided by the company.- Testing the implemented solutions and solving any issues that arise.

Matches 1
Category Operations + 2
SD Companies SRL
SD Companies SRL
Altamura, Apulia, Italy

Automating Tasks with AI Software

The goal of this project is to create an experimental AI software based on one of the following open source project: EleutherAI, Cerebras, Nomic AI, or other similar open source Large language models to automate specific tasks for SD Companies SRL. These tasks include:1# Finding specific companies in specific industries and sectors, manufacturing some specific products and services2# Finding specific people on some social media channels and activating some interaction procedures like connections and chat messages

Matches 1
Category Artificial intelligence + 4
SD Companies SRL
SD Companies SRL
Altamura, Apulia, Italy

Recognizing and Object tracking software

In the field of Augmented Reality important it is to have solution to interact with. We developed in the past solutions catching and elaborating point clouds using Lidar sensors or low cost infrared sensors. Now the goal is to develop an application that:-recognizes an object under view among a list of CAD models-tracks the position and orientation of the object in the space realtime (6DoF)But the experimental job is to get information only from multiple simple RGB cameras. Then we need to add some 3D models to animate some scenesWe prefer to have the application written in Python or C++ using open libraries.The application will have few simple features to make it works: i)upload 3D models, ii)calibrate the system of cameras, iii)starting/stop buttons; iv)create a scene; v) etc...

Matches 0
Category Software development + 3
SD Companies SRL
SD Companies SRL
Altamura, Apulia, Italy

Marketing and Advertising

The aim of this project is to boost to spread the brand knowledge of our company through a specific plan to reach the right potential leads. So the required activities include:create marketing contents like videos, brochures, posts about provided services and productsplan and organize email/social media marketing campains about contacts from specific exhibitions and eventsenhance LinkedIn and social media presence of the brandAll the activities can be decided together with the company according to the experience of the candidates

Matches 1
Category Advertising + 4