Lois Taylor
Lois Taylor
Corporate Sales
Sales strategy Marketing strategy


Latest feedback

Recent projects

D.C. Taylor Jewellers
D.C. Taylor Jewellers
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada

Marketing Innovation & Business

Our team is looking for students who can help us with the project requirements below: Perform an in-depth internal and external SWOT analysis to identify opportunities. Marketing strategy review: Providing recommendations on what methods you can use to leverage and improve your marketing strategy based on your organization's budget and current marketing strategy.Marketing Mix strategy: Providing insight and recommending sustainable strategies related to the Marketing Mix (Product, Place, Price, and Promotion).Social Media: An analysis of how to leverage social media channels to reach different customer groups. Conduct external analysis (including customer, competitor, market, and environment) and marketing mix performance. Developing an integrated online/offline communication strategy with pop-up stores, outdoor display ads.Analysis and recommendations on your web strategy and website design. /

Matches 2
Category Market research + 2
D.C. Taylor Jewellers
D.C. Taylor Jewellers
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada

Develop & Manage PR Campaign

Our team is looking for students who can help us with the project requirements below: Previous students have worked individually on PR campaigns for companies in Scotland, Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands and Germany, Nairobi, Canada, South Africa. Petrochemical, business consultancies, IT companies, social media, corporates, Not For Profit, such as the Flying Doctor Service of Africa. Students are from a variety of backgrounds. Students will review the current state, do a situational analysis, quantitative research. From this, students will outline strategies to formulate a public relations campaign that can be implemented immediately.

Matches 0
Category Communications
D.C. Taylor Jewellers
D.C. Taylor Jewellers
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada

Marketing Plan

Our team is looking for students who can help us with the project requirements below: We hope our Marketing Plan will include: 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Description 3. Strategic Focus and plan Mission/Vision Goals Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage 4. Situation Analysis SWOT Analysis (Internal Strengths and Weaknesses, Management, Offerings, Marketing, Personnel, Finance, Manufacturing, Research and Development (R & D), External Opportunities and Threats, Consumer/Social, Competitive, Technological, Economic, Legal/Regulatory) Industry Analysis Competitor Analysis Company Analysis Customer Analysis 5. Market-Product Focus: Marketing and Product Objectives Target Markets Points of Difference Positioning 6. Marketing Program Product Strategy Price Strategy Promotion Strategy Place (Distribution Strategy) 7. Financial Data and Projections Past Sales Revenues Five-Year Projections 8. Organization 9. Implementation 10. Evaluation and Control

Matches 0
Category Marketing - general + 2
D.C. Taylor Jewellers
D.C. Taylor Jewellers
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada

Small Business & Startup Consulting

Our team is looking for students who can help us with the project requirements below: Customer discovery and segment analysis (both existing and potential customers; customer pains and customer experience; Idea prototyping and validation; Go-to-market and traction strategy development; Competitive landscape assessment (company and product/service level; Pricing analysis (willingness to pay and competitive pricing; and Trend analysis (demographic, technology, social, economic, legal/regulatory, etc.

Matches 0
Category Market research + 4